
One hundred eighty-three individuals of Glossogobius aureus, native to Lake Taal, Philippines, were collected in 2021–2022. Of these, 4 endohelminths were found and identified: Andracantha gravida (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae), Schyzocotyle acheilognathi (Platyhelminthes: Bothriocephalidae), Azygia sp. (Platyhelminthes: Azygiidae), and Opegaster minima (Platyhelminthes: Opecoelidae). These helminths represent new host records for G. aureus and provide novel contributions to the recent Philippine parasite biodiversity listing. Among these 4 helminths, Azygia sp. was the most prevalent, had the highest percent dominance and mean intensity, and had a broader range followed by S. acheilognathi, A. gravida, and O. minima, respectively. These findings highlight the need to further explore Lake Taal's parasitofauna, especially with regard to the invasion of S. acheilognathi, and the transmission specificity of O. minima, which can be utilized as a keystone parasite biomarker and in return aid in the management and conservation efforts in Lake Taal.

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