
1. Mammalian taste receptors are distributed within separate subpopulations, innervated by branches of cranial nerves VII, IX, and X. Most gustatory electrophysiology has focused on input from the fungiform papillae on the anterior portion of the tongue, carried by the chorda tympani branch of the VIIth nerve. However, only a small percentage of the taste buds are located in the fungiform papillae (approximately 18% in the hamster). There have been no studies on the hamster's IXth nerve, which innervates greater than 50% of its taste buds, and most other studies of IXth nerve function have employed only whole-nerve recording. 2. Action potentials were recorded from 83 individual fibers in the IXth nerve of the hamster. Stimuli were five concentrations each of sucrose, NaCl, HCl, and quinine hydrochloride (QHCl), all presented to every fiber at 37 degrees C. Responses were quantified as the number of impulses in 10 s minus the preceding 10 s of spontaneous activity. 3. Across these concentration series, HCl and QHCl were by far the most excitatory stimuli, with mean responses across all cells three to four times greater than those evoked by sucrose or NaCl. The order of effectiveness of the stimuli was H greater than Q much greater than N greater than S. 4. Of the 83 fibers, 56 were stimulated via the foliate papillae and 27 via the single vallate papilla. No fibers responded to both of these fields. There were generally no differences in the sensitivity of these two subpopulations of taste buds, except that QHCl was more effective when applied to the foliates. 5. A "total" response measure was derived by summing the excitatory responses to each stimulus across the entire concentration series. The fibers were then classified according to the best total response, resulting in 52 HCl-, 19 QHCl-, 8 sucrose- and 4 NaCl-best cells. Considering the slope of the concentration-response functions as a criterion for classification produced very similar results. The fiber classification varied somewhat with concentration, with more fibers categorized as HCl- and QHCl-best at the higher concentration levels. 6. Breadth of responsiveness was measured using the equation developed by Smith and Travers. At the concentrations used to examine hamster chorda tympani fibers, IXth nerve fibers were not very responsive and were quite narrowly tuned to the four taste qualities. At higher concentrations the fibers became more broadly responsive across the four stimuli.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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