
`Gulfking' and `Gulfcrest' peaches are jointly released for grower trials by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station. Trees of `Gulfking' and `Gulfcrest' produce an attractive, sweet-tasting, yellow and non-melting flesh fruit intended for the fresh fruit market. They are expected to produce fruit with tree-ripened aroma and taste while retaining firmness for longer shelf life than fruit from conventional melting-flesh cultivars. Trees of `Gulfking' reach full bloom most seasons in mid-February in lower southern Georgia and are estimated to require 350 chill units. We expect this new peach to be adapted in areas where `Flordaking' has been successfully grown. Fruit ripen 73 to 80 days from full bloom, typically in early May, usually with `Flordaking' in southern Georgia. The fruit are large, ranging from 105 to 130 grams. Commercially ripe fruit exhibit 80% to 90% red (with moderately fine darker red stripes) over a deep yellow to orange ground color. Fruit shape is round with a recessed tip. Pits are medium small and have little tendency to split even when crop loads are low. Trees of `Gulfcrest' are estimated to require 525 chill units. This is based on full bloom consistently occurring with `Sunfre' nectarine at Attapulgus, Ga. where full bloom occurs most seasons in early-March. Fruit ripen 62 to 75 days from full bloom, typically in early to mid-May, usually a few days after `Flordacrest' in southern Georgia. The fruit are medium-large, averaging about 105 g. Commercially ripe fruit exhibit 90% to 95% red over a deep yellow to orange ground color. Fruit shape is round with a recessed tip. Pits are medium small and have little tendency to split even when crop loads are low.

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