
MS. Sloane 1411, held by the British Library in London, includes among other Postelliana, the autograph of Postel's Latin translation of the Proteuangelion Jacobi, dated 1551 as well as the autograph copy of the Greek text, copied by Postel in 1553. The Greek text, on closer inspection, turns out to be the text Fa, considered by Tischendorf, and later by Strycker, as completely independent of Postel's Greek prototype. The Latin translation in MS. Sloane represents the primitive stage of the translation published later (1552) by Bibliander who amended it considerably, although not having a Greek text at his disposal. It is the Latin translation of 1551 which we edit here with Bibliander's amendments in the form of variants. Modern editors of the Proteuangelion should henceforth work from Postel's primitive Latin translation, not from Bibliander's published version. Moreover; it is obvious that the Greek text Fa constituted one of the two originals used by Postel for his Latin translation. His other original (which we have called provisionally Pos.lat.) is no longer extant. Finally, it appears that Postel's discovery of the Proteuangelion as well as its publication by Bibliander constitute an important contribution to 16th century discussions on the Biblical canon, which, it would seem, remained uninfluenced by confessional differences.

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