
currently provided with such care. As a result, women and children represent a growing proportion of new HIV infections. Of the 11 000 new infections each day in 2005, nearly 14% were in children aged 15 years or younger, and women made up about half of the adults infected. Greater efforts to reach other highrisk groups are also needed, according to UNAIDS. Less than 20% of individuals who inject illicit drugs received preventive care, such as methadone or buprenorphine treatment or access to needle exchanges. In Eastern Europe and Asia, where injection drug use is driving growing epidemics, less than 10% of these individuals received preventive care. In addition, of the 24 countries that reported data on sex workers, only 10 had achieved the goal of providing prevention services to at least 50% of this population. Less than 10% of men who have sex with men received any HIV prevention services in 2005.

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