
Abstract Limited-angle computed tomography (CT) reconstruction problem arises in some practical applications due to restrictions in the scanning environment or CT imaging device. Some artifacts will be presented in image reconstructed by conventional analytical algorithms. Although some regularization strategies have been proposed to suppress the artifacts, such as total variation (TV) minimization, there is still distortion in some edge portions of image. Guided image filtering (GIF) has the advantage of smoothing the image as well as preserving the edge. To further improve the image quality and protect the edge of image, we propose a coupling method, that combines ℓ 0 {\ell_{0}} gradient minimization and GIF. An intermediate result obtained by ℓ 0 {\ell_{0}} gradient minimization is regarded as a guidance image of GIF, then GIF is used to filter the result reconstructed by simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART) with nonnegative constraint. It should be stressed that the guidance image is dynamically updated as the iteration process, which can transfer the edge to the filtered image. Some simulation and real data experiments are used to evaluate the proposed method. Experimental results show that our method owns some advantages in suppressing the artifacts of limited angle CT and in preserving the edge of image.

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