
Guided Experiment Book based on SETS used a guidebook for students in carrying out scientific work. The SETS-based Guided Experiment Book assists students in developing the skills they possess and familiar with the scientific process for acquiring concepts. Primary school students who have science literacy was expected to apply concepts obtained in school with natural phenomena that occurred in everyday life. The purpose of the research to empower Science Literacy through a SETS-based Guided Experiment Book. The study involved 50 grade V students divided into 2 groups covering 25 students in the intervention group and 25 students in the control group. Activities were conducted over a period of 3 months outside of school activities. The empowerment of science literacy seen from the increased results before and after the SETS-based Guided Experiment Book implementation. SETS-based Guided Experiment Book helped students to empower science literacy through the stages of invitation, exploration, problem-solving, concept application and concluding. These stages were activities that familiarize students to learn concept through the processed and apply environmentally sound technology. Based on the results of research and hypothesis testing can conclude that Guided Experiment Book based on SETS can empower the literacy of science of elementary school students.

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