
The lack of sufficient training data has been one obstacle to fine-grained visual classification research because labeling subcategories generally requires specialist knowledge. As one optional approach to alleviating the data-hunger problem, leveraging web images as training data is drawing increasing attention. Nevertheless, web images potentially have false labels, which can misguide the training process. Although several works have been proposed to deal with label noise, it still can be difficult for the network to tackle complex real-world noisy labels without any prior knowledge. In the literature, we propose to leverage a small and clean meta-set to provide reliable prior knowledge for tackling noisy web images. Specifically, our method trains a network with two peer predicting heads, which learn from noisy web images (web head) and meta ones (meta head), respectively. The meta head produces pseudo soft labels for web images to revise their training loss, which can overcome the high noise ratio problem. Furthermore, a selection net is trained in a meta-learning strategy to identify in- and out-of-distribution noisy images. Then in-distribution ones are reused for training with pseudo soft labels produced by the meta head as supervision, while out-of-distribution ones are discarded. In this manner, the misguidance caused by label noise is remarkably alleviated and in-distribution noisy samples are properly exploited to boost model performance. The superiority of our proposed approach is demonstrated by mathematical theory with great interpretability as well as extensive experimental results on the real-world dataset WebFG-496. Our source code is available at:.

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