
This special issue of Student Success explores the importance of “connections” that contribute to students embarking upon, participating in and achieving their academic and other goals in higher education. While there are many possible connections and relationships that contribute to student success, this special issue focuses on the pedagogies and practices that contribute to students feeling connected and supported in their journey into and through higher education. In Relationship-rich education: How human connections drive success in college, Felton and Lambert (2020) highlight the importance of human relationships for an “excellent college experience”. Certainly, connection and relationship building is even more vital since COVID-19. Therefore, in this special issue, we explore the multitudes of connections that are two-way and contribute to students transitioning into, participating in and succeeding in higher education, as well as how higher education itself has been enriched by the increasing diversity of students. This includes the attention that has been paid to inclusive practices that has the potential to benefit all students.

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