
From the outside it may not be apparent that Brown University has a large, interdisciplinary, and vibrant computer vision community. Despite being a small school (5,674 undergraduate and 1,343 graduate students), Brown has a tightly knit community of vision researchers in various departments. This can be partly seen in this special issue which has contributions from researchers in the Division of Applied Mathematics, the Department of Computer Science, the Division of Engineering, and the Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences. What we find amazing and wonderful about Brown is the high degree of interaction among researchers from these different disciplines. We hope the papers in this special issue give some glimpse into the computational vision research at Brown. Any collection of this type is only a snapshot at an instant in time and cannot hope to capture the full diversity of work going on here. While there is a broad range of vision research at Brown, our focus here is specifically on conveying a sense of the breadth and depth of computational vision research at Brown. Towards that end, we briefly summarize some of the current research efforts that are not represented by articles in this issue and provide some references for the interested reader.

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