
IntroductionA 15-year-old man who comes to the consultation referred from neurology for a poorly progressive tic disorder that is resistant to treatment. This is a patient with no relevant medical history. He has good academic performance, without symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity or impulsivity. He does not present buccophonatory ticsObjectivesTo Show guanfacine as a efficient treatment fot tics disorderMethodsCase reportResultsHe has presented complex motor tics as cervical contractions that have had to receive physiotherapeutic treatment. He also presents simple ocular tics. The patient at our evaluation is on a 4 mg dose of pimozide without response. He was previously on risperidone. It was decided to start treatment with guanfacine up to 5 mg with reduction of pimozide, to 1 mg. The patient with this dose adjustment shows a notable improvement in the frequency and intensity of the tics, both cervical and ocular. The patient also refers to a feeling of being calmer and being able to face stressful situations such as being exposed to social relationships, intervening more in class without increasing their anxiety levels.ConclusionsGuanfacine is a selective alpha-2a adrenergic receptor agonist that has an indication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Like its precursor, clonidine, there is more and more literature that proposes this medication and others for ADHD as useful drugs in pathologies such as tic disorder. It has a safe use profile, which with progressive adjustment and hardly any side effects is placed as a treatment to take into account in this pathology.DisclosureNo significant relationships.


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European Psychiatry

One day in New Year Holiday in January she had come to take out the trash and did not return home. When mother and her friends had found girl on the other side of town, she did not remember anything about her life and family. Goal: description the case of long observing adolescent with dissociative dysmnesia Objectives: Girl age 14,5 y.o. Methods: Psychodiagnostics, Psychotherapy. Unusual results were obtained in projective drawing She got to know her family and friends again, started an account on Internet, shares her stories. These 2 years she worked with individual psychotherapist with positive changes.

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