
The study was conducted to determine the effect of green biomass of Parkia biglobosa and Tithonia diversifolia on growth, yield and vitamin C content of radish (Raphnus sativus L.). The potential of T. diversifolia as green manure has been discovered by a number of researchers while there is paucity of information and research work on the potentials of P. biglobosa in supplying crop nutrients despite the numerous nutrient compositions contained in the leaves. Both P. biglobosa and T. diversifolia are capable of providing adequate biomass for crop growth and sustainability. The contribution of 10 tonnes ha−1 tithonia to the growth and yield of radish was comparable to that of NPK while the potentials of parkia at all rates was not fully expressed in the growth and yield due to its slow mineralisation. Combination of varying levels of P. biglobosa and T. diversifolia also contributed to the growth and yield of radish though the effects were not significant. It can therefore be concluded that the use of T. diversifolia at 10 tonnes ha−1 as organic manure is sufficient for the cultivation of radish as it performed similar to application of 200 kg ha−1 NPK fertilizer and based on the fact that it is readily available and eco-friendly compared to NPK that is costly and may have adverse effect on the environment.

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