
Abstract.— The aquaculture performance of mutton snapper Lutjanus analis raised in floating net cages was assessed by measuring their growth, survival, and feed conversion rates during a growout trial conducted in a 3.2‐ha saltwater lake in the Florida Keys, Florida, USA. Approximately 10,500 hatchery‐reared finger‐lings were stocked in two circular, high‐density polyethylene (HDPE) net cages of 7‐m diameter × 7‐m deep (300 m2) and 10‐m diameter × 7‐m deep (600 m3) dimensions. Cages were stocked at 25 fish/m3 (3.2 kg/m3) and 5 fish/m3 (0.72 kg/m3), respectively. Fish grew from a mean of 16.5 g to 302.8 g (25.6 cm TL) in 246 days in the former cage and from a mean of 42.3 g to 245.6 g (23.8 cm TL) in 178 d in the latter cage. Growth rates in weight were best expressed by the following exponential equations: cage 1 (high stocking density): W = 20.716 e0.0112x (r2= 0.83); cage 2 (low stocking density): W = 38.848 e0.0118x (r2= 0.81). Length‐weight data indicate that hatcheryraised, cage‐cultured mutton snapper are heavier per unit length than their wild counterparts. There was no significant difference (P < 0.05) between the slopes of the two lines, indicating that fish in the two cages grew at the same rate. The length‐weight relationships for mutton snapper stocked in cages 1 and 2 are expressed, respectively, by the equations W = 0.000009 L 3.11 (r2= 0.99) and W = 0.000005 L 3.22 (r2= 0.97). Overall feed conversion rate for both cages combined was 1.4. Approximately 10% of the fish sampled exhibited some degree of deformity, particularly scoliosis. Overall survival rate was 70%. Results suggest that L. analis has potential for aquaculture development in net cage systems.

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