
Aims: To determine condition status and identify parasitic fauna in intestine, gills and skins of Clarias gariepinus collected from two natural waters: Ogbese River (River A) (Longitude 5°26'E' and Latitude 6°43'N), and Owena River (River B) (Longitude 5.03E and Latitude 7.03N) in Ondo state, Nigeria respectively.
 Study Design: Laboratory-experimental design was used in this study.
 Place and Duration of Study: 120 live C. gariepinus African Mud Catfish were collected by the assistance of fishermen using cast net during the wet season during April to July 2016 from the two natural water bodies (Ogbese River and Owena River).
 Methidology: Fish were transported live to the laboratory for examinations. Length (cm) and weight (g) measurement of fish were determined. Condition factor (K), isometric value (b) and regression coefficient were determined. Fish samples were examined using electronic Microscope (x 400 Mag.) by dissecting fish to remove organs (Intestines, gills and skins) for parasites occurrence (s). Descriptive and analytical statistics were used to analyse the data obtained.
 Results: The condition factor for all C. gariepinus samples collected from both Rivers were less than one (<1), which indicated that the health status of the fish is biased, and the environment is not conducive. The parasitic examination carried out revealed that seventy-eight (65%) C. gariepinus fish samples were infested; while 42 (35%) of fish samples showed no parasite infestation. A total of Ninety-six (96) individual parasites were recovered from River A while a total of two hundred and twelve (212) individual parasites were recovered from River B. A total of eight (8) different parasites species were recovered while their percentage of occurrence was recorded. These include Ambiphrya spp. (4.17%), Camallanus spp. (6.25%; 2.83%), Capillaria spp. (16.98%), Chilodonella spp. (14.58%), Dactylogyrus spp. (64.58%; 5.66%), Diphyllobothrium latum (10.42%; 4.72%), Gyrodactylus spp. (61.32%) and Protoopalina symphysodonis (8.49%).
 Conclusion: The water bodies need to be protected against further pollutants to prevent disease condition for the benefit of aquatic organisms and public health.

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