
We studied the effects of environmental factors on the ability to compensate for simulated herbivory in an annual (Urtica urens) and two perennial (U. dioica subspp. dioica and sondenii) nettle species in order to test the compensatory continuum hypothesis. Further, we studied the expression of costs of structural defence in different environmental conditions. Herbivory interacted significantly with density and fertilization for height growth, branching and reproductive traits. The negative effects of simulated herbivory on relative height growth were less detrimental for plants grown in low density and high fertilization level, which supports the compensatory continuum hypothesis. However, with respect to other traits measured, our results do not support the idea of compensatory continuum. The negative effects of apical excision on inflorescence biomass were relatively more prominent in plants growing at low density and receiving more fertilization than on those growing in worse conditions. In addition, branching was reduced by apical excision regardless of resource levels. The lack of compensation for herbivory is explained by the role which the damaged or removed tissue plays in plant development and function. In the perennial U. dioica, defensive responses to herbivory, measured as changes in trichome density, were stronger than in the annual U. urens. In the southern subspecies dioica, trichome density increased in newly emerged leaves after leaf clipping. In the northern subspecies sondenii, trichome density increased after apical excision. The differences in the defensive responses between the two subspecies of U. dioica may be due to differential natural herbivory pressures on subspecies inhabiting different geographical regions. We observed negative phenotypic correlations between structural defence and other plant traits, which suggests the existence of costs of defence. In addition to differences among the species studied, the expression of costs of defence was dependent on the resource levels.

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