
The article is devoted to the construction and implementation of an econometric model for quantitative assessment of the impact of cross-country, international, and national income inequality on the dynamics and quality of growth of four groups of countries with different levels of development. A substantial analysis of numerous Russian and foreign research that discover the dynamics and quality of growth was carried out. On this basis, we conclude that income inequality is an important characteristic of the quality of growth of both the national and global economies. To study the relationship between inequality and economic growth, the research uses two concepts proposed by the World Bank – cross-country and international inequality. The distinction of this study from all other known works is not in identifying the genesis of the phenomenon of «inequality», but in focusing on the development of concepts of inequality between countries and quantity assessment of their impact on the growth of economies with different income levels (high, above average, below average and low). This development contributes to the expansion of the research landscape that analyses the relationship between economic growth and inequality. The implementation of the constructed model of cross-country regression confirmed the assumption on the negative impact of three types of inequality on countries with different income levels. At that, the degree of their influence for four groups of countries is shown with a different time lag. The statistically significant empirical results are the convincing scientific basis for evidence-based policy while developing an adequate economic policy by national governments, especially in modern conditions

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