
An ABA-deficient barley mutant (Az34) and its parental cultivar (Steptoe) were compared. Plants of salt-stressed Az34 (100 mmol m−3 NaCl for 10 days) grown in sand were 40% smaller than those of “Steptoe”, exhibited a lower leaf relative water content and lower ABA concentrations. Rhizosphere inoculation with IB22 increased plant growth of both genotypes. IB22 inoculation raised ABA in roots of salt-stressed plants by supplying ABA exogenously and by up-regulating ABA synthesis gene HvNCED2 and down-regulating ABA catabolic gene HvCYP707A1. Inoculation partially compensated for the inherent ABA deficiency of the mutant. Transcript abundance of HvNCED2 and related HvNCED1 in the absence of inoculation was 10 times higher in roots than in shoots of both mutant and parent, indicating that ABA was mainly synthesized in roots. Under salt stress, accumulation of ABA in the roots of bacteria-treated plants was accompanied by a decline in shoot ABA suggesting bacterial inhibition of ABA transport from roots to shoots. ABA accumulation in the roots of bacteria-treated Az34 was accompanied by increased leaf hydration, the probable outcome of increased root hydraulic conductance. Thereby, we tested the hypothesis that the ability of rhizobacterium (Bacillus subtilis IB22) to modify responses of plants to salt stress depends on abscisic acid (ABA) accumulating in roots.

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