
The present study aims at analyzing the growth performance of Horticulture in India. The paper analyzes the growth rates and decomposition analysis of horticultural crop groups’ area, production and productivity from 1991-92 to 2020-21. The study period was divided into pre-NHM (1991-92 to 2004-05) and post-NHM (2005-06 to 2020-21). The compound growth rate results show that the growth rate in area, production and productivity of horticultural crop groups are positive and statistically significant during the post-NHM period than the pre-NHM period. From decomposition analysis, area effect and yield effect are positive during the post-NHM period for all the crop groups; the interaction effect also shows positive except for fruits and flower crops. The overall performance in area, production, and productivity is quite satisfactory during the post-NHM period; greater attention needs to be given to the states where productivity has declined with marginal increments under NHM.

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