
The yeasts Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii are fungal pathogens that can be isolated from the environment, including the surfaces of many plants. Cryptococcus gattii caused an outbreak on Vancouver Island, British Columbia beginning in 1999 that has since spread to the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Coastal Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is an important lumber species and a major component of the ecosystems in this area. Previous research has explored Cryptococcus survival and mating on Douglas fir plants and plant-derived material, but no studies have been done on the production of cryptococcal virulence factors by cells grown on those media. Here, we investigated the effects of growth on Douglas fir-derived media on the production of the polysaccharide capsule and melanin, two of the most important cryptococcal virulence factors. We found that while the capsule was mostly unchanged by growth in Douglas fir media compared to cells grown in defined minimal media, Cryptococcus spp. can use substrates present in Douglas fir to synthesize functional and protective melanin. These results suggest mechanisms by which Cryptococcus species may survive in the environment and emphasize the need to explore how association with Douglas fir trees could affect its epidemiology for human cryptococcosis.

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