
<p class="NoParagraphStyle" align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle" align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">Application of probiotic bacteria is an alternative technology to increase shrimp production in an environmentally friendly aquaculture. Administration of probiotic bacteria can be conducted through artificial feed or live food such as <em>Artemia</em>. This study was done to examine the effectiveness of various doses of probiotic <em>Vibrio</em> SKT-b through <em>Artemia</em> on the growth and survival of post-larval shrimp. Tiger shrimp at a stage of PL 10 was reared in glass jars filled with 2 L of sea water at a density of 10 larva/L. The study consisted of five probiotic concentrations control (0 cfu/mL), A (10<sup>3</sup> cfu/mL), B (10<sup>4</sup> cfu/mL), C (10<sup>5</sup> cfu/mL), and D (10<sup>6</sup> cfu/mL). Administration of various doses of probiotic bacteria <em>Vibrio</em> SKT-b through <em>Artemia</em> significantly increased the growth rate in term of the length and weight, but had no effect on survival. The results found that treatment D (10<sup>6</sup> cfu/mL) gave an increase in body weight, length and survival rate of 22.53%/day, 0.080 cm/day and 95%, respectively.</p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"> </p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">Keywords: probiotic, <em>Artemia</em>, tiger shrimp</p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"> </p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"> </p><p class="NoParagraphStyle" align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"> </p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">Aplikasi bakteri probiotik merupakan salah satu alternatif teknologi untuk meningkatkan produksi budidaya udang yang ramah lingkungan. Pemberian bakteri probiotik dapat dilakukan melalui pakan buatan atau pakan alami seperti <em>Artemia</em>. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas pemberian berbagai dosis bakteri probiotik <em>Vibrio</em> SKT-b melalui <em>Artemia</em> terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup pascalarva udang windu. Stadia udang windu yang digunakan adalah pascalarva (PL) 10. Udang dipelihara dalam wadah kaca volume 3 L yang diisi air laut 2 L dengan kepadatan 10 ekor/L. Penelitian ini terdiri atas lima perlakuan yaitu kontrol (dosis bakteri probiotik 0 cfu/mL), A (10<sup>3</sup> cfu/mL), B (10<sup>4</sup> cfu/mL), C (10<sup>5</sup> cfu/mL), dan D (10<sup>6</sup> cfu/mL). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian berbagai dosis bakteri probiotik <em>Vibrio</em> SKT-b melalui <em>Artemia</em> berpengaruh nyata terhadap laju pertumbuhan panjang dan bobot, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai kelangsungan hidup. Hasil terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan D (10<sup>6</sup> cfu/mL) dengan pertumbuhan bobot 22,53%/hari, pertumbuhan panjang 0,08 cm/hari, dan sintasan 95%.</p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"> </p><p>Kata kunci: probiotik, <em>Artemia</em>, udang windu</p>

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