
In this study, Tb:BaCl2 and NaCl/KCl ternary eutectics were grown using quartz ampoules via the vertical Bridgman–Stockbarger method. Each crystal phase had a polygonal columnar shape with a length of 300 µm along the growth direction. The Tb:BaCl2 scintillator phase grew in the columnar phase. The BaCl2 scintillator phase is expected to make optical waveguides of the scintillation light. The expected Tb3+ emission peak was observed at approximately 360–630 nm under X-ray irradiation. This emission is mainly attributed to the Tb3+5D4→7F6,7F6, 7F5, 7F4, and 7F3 transitions and BaCl2 host emission transition. The photoluminescence decay times of the Tb:BaCl2/NaCl/KCl eutectics was 0.49 ms (7.5%) and 6.64 ms (92.5%).

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