
The organometallic vapor phase epitaxial (OMVPE) growth of GaSb using a new Sb source, trisdimethylaminoantimony (TDMASb) is described for a wide temperature range between 450 and 600° C. Good surface morphologies were obtained at low V III ratios due to the effective pyrolysis of TDMASb. High growth efficiencies were observed at growth temperatures as low as 475° C. As the growth temperature was decreased, the incomplete decomposition of trimethylgallium (TMGa) was found to lower the optimum V III ratio necessary to produce layers with good surface morphologies. The as-grown, unintentionally doped GaSb layers were p-type with background carrier concentrations of approximately 10 17 cm −3. Well resolved 15 K photoluminescence spectra and X-ray diffraction data indicate the GaSb layers to be of high quality for the growth temperature range studied. The results indicate that TDMASb is an excellent precursor for the OMVPE growth of GaSb over a wide range of growth temperatures.

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