
A combination of cell wall growth and cytoskeletal protein action gives rise to the observed bacterial cell shape. Aside from the common rod-like and spherical shapes, bacterial cells can also adopt curved or helical geometries. To understand how curvature in bacteria is developed or maintained, we examine how Caulobacter crescentus obtains its crescent-like shape. Caulobacter cells with or without the cytoskeletal bundle crescentin, an intermediate filament-like protein, exhibit two distinct growth modes, curvature maintenance that preserves the radius of curvature and curvature relaxation that straightens the cell (Fig. 1). Using a proposed mechanochemical model, we show that bending and twisting of the crescentin bundle can influence the stress distribution in the cell wall, and lead to the growth of curved cells. In contrast, after crescentin bundle is disrupted, originally curved cells will slowly relax towards a straight rod over time. The model is able to quantitatively capture experimentally observed curvature dynamics. Furthermore, we show that the shape anisotropy of the cross-section of a curved cell is never greater than 4%, even in the presence of crescentin.

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