
The effects of soil conditioners Frisol, TerraCottem, Bi-algeen, and fertilisers Silvamix Forte and Cererit on the welfare of Austrian pine were observed in a seven-year experiment on Loket spoil bank. Simultaneously the economic aspects of growing the Austrian pine until the stage of established plantation were examined. The application of products one year and a half after planting did not cause seedling mortality. The elongation growth of young plants conditioned by the application of Silvamix Forte and Frisol was statistically significant whereas these effects manifested themselves in the second year: they persisted till the end of the experiment for Silvamix Forte, and for three years in total for Frisol. The other products – TerraCottem, Bi-algeen and Cererit – also showed generally better, though statistically insignificant results as compared to those of the control plants. The elongation growth for all products culminated in the fifth year and then declined. The stem diameter growth for the best products reached its maximum in the second year. Regarding the overall height growth after seven years, the average number of the highest plants on the experiment location was on plots treated with Silvamix Forte; these plants exceeded the control plants by 46.2 cm. Pines treated with Frisol were higher by 23.4 cm. However, the application of soil conditioners and fertilisers to the given location proved economically ineffective because there was no need to improve the soil at the location, the same applies to mowing and hoeing since almost no forest weed grew there and the substrate surface remained well-aerated and porous.

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