
Tahoe sucker, Catostomus tahoensis, were fed at three ration levels (starvation, 50% of repletion, and repletion) at three constant and cyclic temperature regimes (4–12°, 8°, 8–18°, 13°, and 13°–23°, 18° C) to examine growth rate and gross growth efficiencies. Growth rates increased with increasing temperature and ration level. Growth rates were not different between cyclic temperatures and the constant temperature equivalent to the mean of the cycle. Growth efficiencies were similar for cyclic and constant temperature regimes. Maintenance rations increased from 0.9% of the initial wet weight per day at low temperatures to 2.0 and 1.7% at intermediate and high temperatures, respectively. Assimilation efficiencies (not measured at low temperatures) did not differ between constant and cyclic temperatures. Tahoe sucker growth rates and assimilation efficiencies may not be enhanced in small streams because of this species' inability to mediate temperature cycles through behavioral thermoregulation.

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