
The investigation of the vegetative characters of annual species from central Europe showed a hitherto not regarded large spectrum of 20 growth forms within this plant group. These growth forms can be identified by means of a dichotomous key. This is also a new method to present growth form systems. Although several surveys about growth forms have been carried out, the proposed systems are either incomplete or not consequent in the use of their classifying criteria. Moreover, annual species have never been investigated systematically according to their growth forms. Important characters which were used to characterize growth forms are the occurrence of a rosette, the presence or absence of supporting tissue which causes aerostability or aerolability, succulence, growth direction (plagiotropous, orthotropous) and metamorphoses (for scrambling). According to the mode of surviving the resting period, annuals can be grouped into therophytes, hydrophytes, and hemicryptophytes. Whereas therophytic and hydrophytic annuals perennate the winter exclusively as generative diaspores (seeds, spores), hemicryptophytic species survive as seedlings or young plants.

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