
Skin wound healing is a highly coordinated process involving multiple tissue-resident and recruited cell types. Cells within the wound microenvironment respond to key secreted factors such as pro-proliferative growth factors and immunomodulatory cytokines to repair the skin and promptly restore its essential barrier role. Therefore, recombinant growth factors and cytokines are promising therapeutics for skin wounds, in particular for large acute wounds such as burns, or wounds associated with underlying pathologies such as nonhealing chronic and diabetic wounds. However, translation of growth factors and cytokines into clinically effective treatments has been limited. Short half-life, poor stability, rapid diffusion, uncontrolled signaling, and systemic side effects are currently the key challenges to developing efficient growth factor- and cytokine-based therapies. To overcome these limitations, novel delivery systems have been developed to improve the regenerative potential of recombinant growth factors and cytokines. In this review, we discuss biomaterial and protein engineering strategies used to optimize the delivery of growth factor and cytokine therapeutics for skin wound treatment.

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