
Evaluation of the growth of Cucumis sativus in arsenic (As) and chromium (Cr) treatedsoils was carried out. Parameters measured were germination, plant height, number ofleaves, relative water content and total chlorophyll. The concentrations of metalsolutions applied were 0, 30, 60, 120 and 240 ppm of arsenic and chromium saltsseparately. The study was conducted as potted field experiment. The treatments werereplicated four times. Three days after planting (DAP), C. sativus seeds germinated inall soil treatments. The highest percentage germination was obtained in controltreatments 15 DAP. The metal treatments depressed germination. Similarly, plantheight was depressed significantly by As and Cr treatments (?=0.05). Plant heightvalues recorded for 240 ppm As and 240 ppm Cr were 24.1% and 36.5% of theirrespective values for control. Differences in number of leaves produced per plants werefound to be statistically significant under arsenic treatment only. The values obtained forrelative water content and total chlorophyll showed that plants grown in As and Crtreated soils were inhibited. Generally, plants grown under control conditions gavehigher values. From the growth parameters evaluated, arsenic treatments was moretoxic to Cucumis sativus than chromium treatments.

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