
The broadnose sevengill shark, Notorynchus cepedianus (Péron, 1807), is a large marine top predator in temperate coastal ecosystems. Some aspects of its life history have been determined, but its growth pattern is yet to be fully understood. The authors used a multi-modelling approach and a sensitivity test to estimate growth parameters from young-of-year (YOY) length data collected off San Antonio Cape (SAC), Argentina, a critical habitat in the Southwest Atlantic Coastal Zone (SACZ). The best selected model, a sex-combined logistic growth model, estimated an asymptotic length (L∞ ) of 92.58 cm TL (95% C.I.: 86.48-105.89 cm), a growth coefficient (K) of 0.006818 days -1 (95% C.I.: 0.004948-0.008777) and a size at birth (L0 ) of 40.73 cm. The predicted annual growth (i.e., L1 - L0 ) was 43.2 cm TL. Males had smaller L0 , higher K and achieved larger sizes after 1 year. The YOY in SAC attained a larger L1 and grew faster than their Australian and South African wild counterparts. The consistent year-round presence of YOY in the SAC highlights the importance of this area as a pupping ground and potential nursery for N. cepedianus; this has direct implications for the allocation of research and management effort for the conservation of this species in the Southwest Atlantic.

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