
Growth analysis (GA) is used to quantify plant development based on morphophysiological changes. GA is a practical tool to evaluate nursery techniques to make them more efficient. The objective of this essay was to quantity measure morphophysiological growth variables of Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla and Hymenaea courbaril (jatoba) container seedlings to characterize growth stages. The essay was conducted in a shade house located in the western state of Paraná. GA analyses were performed at 10-day intervals on seedlings of both species. When evaluating Hymenaea courbaril seedlings results indicated ​​increased values of height, diameter, root and shoot dry biomass up to 130 days after emergence (DAE). Seedling growth stage-based GA were 70, 100 and 130 DAE for the Eucalyptus hybrid and 50, 80, and 110 DAE for jatoba which presented accelerated, intermediate and reduced seedling growth.

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