
Growth cones of sympathetic neurons from the superior cervical ganglia of neonatal rats were studied using videomicroscopy to determine events following contact between growth cones and other cell surfaces, including other growth cones and neurites. A variety of behaviors were observed to occur upon contact between growth cones. Most commonly, one growth cone would collapse and subsequently retract upon establishing filopodial contact with the growth cone of another sympathetic neuron. Contacts resulting in collapse and retraction were often accompanied by a rapid and transient burst of lamellipodial activity along the neurite 30–50 μm proximal to the retracting growth cone. In no instances did interactions between growth cones and either fibroblasts or red blood cells result in the growth cone collapsing, suggesting that a specific recognition event was involved. On several occasions, growth cones were seen to track other growth cones, although fasciculation was rare. In some cases, there was no obvious response between contacting growth cones. Growth cone-growth cone contact was almost four times more likely to result in collapse and retraction than was growth cone-neurite contact (45% vs 12%, respectively). These observations suggest that the superior cervical ganglion may be composed of neurons with different cell surface determinants and that these determinants are more concentrated on the surface of growth cones than on neurites. These results further suggest that contact-mediated inhibition of growth cone locomotion may play an important role in growth cone guidance.

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