
Explants and enzyme-dispersed cells of adrenal medulla from 10-12 day old rats were studied in culture for up to 3 weeks. Adrenomedullary chromaffin cells, nerve cells and satellite cells were clearly discernible. The nerve cells were few in number and did not show catecholaminespecific fluorescence. Chromaffin cells stored catecholamines, as judged by the Falck and Hillarp method, in varying amounts decreasing with age of the cultures and the distance from the explants. Exocytosis profiles observed with the electron microscope suggested that cultured chromaffin cells also released catecholamines. Moreover, the cells formed processes and frequently migrated into the outgrowth. After 6 days in culture, the great majority of chromaffin cells stored noradrenaline as revealed by electron microscopy with few adrenaline-storing cells being visible. Granular vesicles (approximately 80-240 nm in diameter) with cores of different electron densities were occasionally present in the same cell suggesting the occurrence of mixtures of primary and secondary amines. Apart from "chromaffin" granules, small clear and dense-cored vesicles (approximately 40-60 nm) were found both in the somata and cell processes. Chromaffin cells and their processes were often closely apposed and occasionally formed specialized attachment zones. As a whole, chromaffin cells in culture resembled small granule-containing cells in sympathetic ganglia. 0.5 mM dbcAMP prevented dedifferentiation of chromaffin cells as judged by the lack of processes, the size and amount of "chromaffin" granules and the high number of adrenaline-storing cells present after 6 days in culture. NGF caused a striking increase in the number of axons growing out from explants.

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