
Recently, a nutrient agar, the Pagano-Levin Culture Medium (1-3), has been developed which is intended for use in the differential selective identification of Candida albicans organisms obtained from pathological specimens. The presence of a broad spectrum antibiotic incorporated in the medium also inhibits or suppresses concomitant bacterial growth. This medium contains a biological indicator system which is suggested as permitting simple, rapid, and convenient differentiation of Candida albicans organism colonies from those of other Candida species and saprophytic yeasts. This differentiation is made by visual inspection of the color of the colony growing on the medium after from two to three days of incubation at usual room temperature. Those colonies appearing cream colored or very faintly pink are tentatively identified as Candida albicans. Most species of Candida other than Candida albicans and most other saprophytic and pathogenic yeasts grow out as darker pink to dark red colonies. The major exception to this overall picture is the colony of Candida krusei which is white in color but which, upon comparison with those of Can-dida albicans, appears flat, dry, and non-glistening as opposed to the smooth, creamy, glistening texture of the Candida albicans colony.

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