
Rehabilitation aims to improve landscape function while increasing its resilience to climate change. Gunung Dahu research forest is a rehabilitated hilly landscape that is planted with more than 25 dipterocarp species, including an upper hill dipterocarp tree of Shorea platyclados at various site conditions. This study aimed to assess the growth performance of S. platyclados at five sloping levels class of 0-8%, 8-15%, 15-25%, 25-45%, and >45%. Observed growth attributes were stem diameter, total height, basal area, Mean Annual Increment (MAI), and Leaf Area Index (LAI), and diameter. The results showed that sloping levels significantly affect the growth performance of the planted trees. The highest slope level (>45%) supported the highest average stem diameter and tree height (41.48 cm and 20.86 m). The sloping level of >45%, 25-45%, 15-25%, 8-15%, and 0-8% yield different value of average diameter which were 41.48 cm, 35.86 cm, 36.54 cm, 34.61 cm, and 31.23, while the average height were 20, 86m, 19.78 m, 16.72 m, 18.84 m, 18.61 m respectively. Thus, the upper hill dipterocarp of S. platyclados is a prospective native tree species for rehabilitating hilly upland landscapes.

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