
The study was aimed to evaluate agronomic characters of growth and yield of red chili peat-strains grown on peat soil with the application of chicken manure. The study was conducted in Talang Kelapa, Palembang Lat S-2°55’“Long E 104°41’”. Factorial randomized block design was used with 2 factors and 3 replicates. The first factor was chili strains consisting of G1 = Strain 1 (F10120005-141-16-35-1-3); G2 = Strain 3 (F10120005-141-16-35-7-1); and G3 = Strain 4 (F10120005-241-2-9-4-4). While the second factor was chicken manure dosage, P0 = control (without chicken manure); P1 = 10 tons/ha (250 grams/polybag); and P2 = 20 tons/ha (500 grams/polybag). Parameters observed were plant height, leaf number, root shoot ratio, plant fresh and dry weight, leaf area, flowering age, fruit weight, fruit diameter and estimated production per hectare. Results showed that the addition of chicken manure on peat soil had a good effect on growth and production of the red chili peat-strains. G3 (Strain 4= F10120005-241-2-9-4-4) showed the best response to the application of 20 tons/ha (500 grams/polybag) of chicken manure. The combination of P2G3 treatments (20 tons/hectare in G3) resulted in the highest production with an estimated yield of 2.56 tons per hectare.

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