
Five processing guava clones (GA6- 1, GA7- 12, GA8-30, GA9-35, GA11-56) were tested over 3 cropping years at Nambour, in coastal south-eastern Queensland. Mean marketable yield for the first crop at 2 years of age was 45 kg/tree or 36.23 t/ha at a density of 805 trees/ha. GA11-56, the most acceptable clone for processing, also gave the highest marketable yields of 627, 71.65 and 72.53 t/ha for the first 3 crops. Yield per unit cross sectional area of trunk was a more simple and useful index of yield efficiency than more complex parameters including a fruitfulness index and multiple regressions with yield of north-south canopy spread, number of primary branches and combinations of these and trunk girth. Similarly, trunk - - girth provided at least as good an estimate of tree size as the vigour index. Tree dimension measurements which included east-west canopy spread, north-south canopy spread, tree height, stem height, number of primary branches, crown height, crown radius, tree canopy volume, canopy surface area and an index of crown weight provided no consistent indication of tree size. They were not highly correlated with either accumulated or final yield of the guava. The GA11-56 clone because of its yield, fruit size and other desirable processing characteristics was the only clone that could be recommended for commercial plantings.

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