
To study the growth and yield of Acacia mangium in the Caribbean region of Colombia, allometric equations of total volume and aboveground plus coarse roots biomass were fitted as a function of the tree’s diameter at breast height (dbh). The von Bertalanffy’s growth model and 59, 0.1 ha plots (0.55–9.55 years old) were used to develop site index (SI) curves at 6 years base age. Then, using the state-space approach, stand growth and yield models were developed for basal area, volume and biomass. The results show that A. mangium is a very promising species for timber production, atmospheric carbon removal and soil restoration because it grows very fast even in mining degraded soils. On average sites it reaches 15 m in height in 3 years. However, early and reiterated thinning coupled with initial mortality by cattle invasion of the very young understocked plantations are producing relatively low yields.

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