
Caprella danilevskii Czerniavski, an epifaunal amphipod crustacean, was successfully reared for two generations under laboratory conditions. Amphipods were maintained in pairs or fours in a Petri dish. Temperature and photoperiod were maintained at 20°C, and 14 h light: 10 h dark, respectively. Colonies of the diatomCylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenberg) Reumann and Lewin were provided as food source. The red algaGelidium amansii (Lamouroux) Lamouroux was used to provide an attachment substrate for the caprellids. Juveniles that emerged from the brood pouch were described as instar I. Subsequent instars were identified by molts. Juveniles molted successively at 2.5 to 6.5 d intervals. The body length of males at each instar increased exponentially, while that of females followed a sigmoid curve. A different pattern of flagellar segment addition in the antenna I of males and females was revealed. At the age of 20.8 d, females reached instar VII, and produced their first embryos. After 5.1 d, juveniles emerged from the brood pouch. On average, females produced 5.4 clutches successively at 5.0 d intervals. The number of offspring per spawning increased from 6.3 at instar VII to 22.0 at instar XII. The total number of offspring was 69.0 for a female throughout her life span.

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