
As described by Kutoglu (1976 [16]), single crystals of As 4S 4 (II) phase have been grown using a new two-step synthesis that drastically increases the reproducibility that is attainable in synthetic experiments. First, through photo-induced phase transformation, pararealgar powder is prepared as a precursor instead of AsS melt. Then it is dissolved and recrystallized from CS 2 solvent. Results show that single crystals of the As 4S 4 (II) phase were obtained reproducibly through the dissolution–recrystallization process. Single crystals of As 4S 4 (II) obtained using this method were translucent and showed a uniform yellow-orange color. The crystal exhibits a platelet-like shape as a thin film with well-developed faces (0 1 0) and (0 1¯ 0). The grown crystals are as large as 0.50×0.50×0.01 mm. They were characterized using powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques to confirm the phase identification and the lattice parameters. The As 4S 4 (II) phase crystallizes in monoclinic system with cell parameters a=11.202(4) Å, b=9.954(4) Å, c=7.142(4) Å, β=92.81(4)°, V=795.4(6) Å 3, which shows good agreement with the former value. Raman spectroscopic studies elucidated the behavior of the substance and the relation among phases of tetra-arsenic tetrasulfide.

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