
This study aimed to analyze the optimal combination of temperature and light for the growth and quality of Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed. This study used a factorial completely randomized design (CRD factorial) consisting of 2 factors (temperature and light) with three replications, which included a combination of temperature 28, 31, and 34 °C with light 50 and 100 photons (µmol m−2 s−1). The test object used was a seaweed seed weighing 50 g. The results showed that the S28C100 treatment gave the highest absolute weight growth value (P<0.05). The highest specific growth rate (SGR) was found in the S28C100 and S31C100 treatments, not significantly different between the two, respectively 3.77±0.058% and 3.03±0.12%. Treatment S31C50 followed by S31C100 gave the highest value for the carrageenan yield, but there was no significant difference between the two, respectively 15.505±0.71% and 13.965±0.26%. The combination of temperature and light in this study resulted in gel strength values of 922.150±234.26 to 1048.555±266.46 g.cm−2 but not significantly different between each treatment.

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