
A field experiment was conducted during the summer season of 1996 and 1997 to study the effect of biofertilizer (buckup) and growth-regulator (electra, micrin and protein hydrolysate) on sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) on sandy- loam lateritic soil. Use of biofertilizer or growth-regulator alone did not influence the growth and yield attributes and yield of sesame over control, significantly. But combined application of biofertilizer and growth-regulator improved all the growth attributes and yield components and thus markedly increased grain and stick yields. Integrated use of buckup, electra and protein hydrolysate recorded the highest grain (1,094 kglha) and stick (2,392 kg/ha) yields of sesame and showed superiority to no or single application of biofertilizer or growth- regulator.

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