
Sarcocornia fruticosa (L.) A.J. Scott is found in coastal marshes of south‐west Spain, growing under a very wide range of interstitial soil salinity from 10 mM up to nearly 1000 mM. A glasshouse experiment was designed to investigate the effect of this range of salinities on the morphology and the photosynthetic apparatus of S. fruticosa by measuring growth rate, photosynthetic and non‐photosynthetic area, atrophy of distal branch ends, water status, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, gas exchange and photosynthetic pigment concentrations. The long‐term effects of salinity on the growth of S. fruticosa were mainly determined by the extent of photosynthetic area rather than the variations in net photosynthetic rate. Photosynthetic area was reduced at 1030 mM as a result of a decrease in the length of the photosynthetic portions. This was induced by fewer internodes and, at salinities lower than 510 mM, smaller internode diameter. Net photosynthetic rate increased as the quantum efficiency of photosystem II decreased in the different salinity treatments, which means that the plant could be increasing photorespiration and/or using cyclic electron transport as additional photoprotective mechanisms. The recorded drop in net photosynthetic rate at higher salinities appeared to be due to a reduction in stomatal conductance. The results indicate that S. fruticosa is capable of tolerating very high and continued exposure to salt, showing its greatest growth rate at 510 mM NaCl.

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