
Background: Growth retardation, delayed puberty and malnutrition are frequently observed in children suffering from cystic fibrosis.Aim: The aim of this study was to estimate growth and nutritional status in children with cystic fibrosis on the basis of body proportions and body mass index.Subjects and methods: Anthropometric data were collected from the medical histories of 62 patients treated in three cystic fibrosis treatment centers in Poland. Anthropometric parameters were expressed in terms of standard deviations away from age-specific and sex-specific reference means reported for the population of Poland. Two-way analysis of variance was used to determine whether the type of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutation is correlated with age at the time of diagnosis and with body proportions.Results: The type of mutation was significantly correlated with height, weight and transverse chest width. Growth retardation was greater in subjects diagnosed before they were 3 years old than in subjects diagnosed later. The children had infantile body proportions. Their legs were short and their trunks were long in comparison to their height. Almost 40% of the subjects suffered from malnourishment.Conclusion: Further study is needed to determine how growth in children with cystic fibrosis is affected by clinical practice and socio-economic factors.

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