
The growth characteristics and nutritional status ofSchoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C. Gmelin)Palla (soft-stem bulrush or lake clubrush) wereinvestigated during the second and third growthseasons in four equivalent subsurface-flow, gravel-bedconstructed treatment wetlands. Each wetland wassupplied with a different hydraulic loading rate ofagricultural wastewater, covering the range commonlyapplied to such systems. Harvest and demographictechniques were combined to determine seasonalpatterns and gradients of growth and nutrientallocation, and net annual primary productivity(NAPP). Marked seasonal patterns of early springemergence, summer growth and autumn senescence wereobserved, with little over-wintering of liveabove-ground biomass. Starch, the dominant long-termstorage substance, comprised ∼20% of rhizome dryweight (DW) in autumn. Mobilization during springreduced concentrations by around half, with a trend ofincreasing depletion in the higher loaded wetlands.NAPP, including above-ground mortality, during thesecond growth season ranged between ∼2.5 and 3.5 kg DWm-2, with 10-23% allocated to below-groundgrowth. Mean above-ground live and dead biomass rangedbetween ∼1.75 and 2.65 kg DW m-2 by mid-summer,with below to above-ground biomass ratios similar inall wetlands at between 0.6 and 0.7. Rhizomes, whichcomprised around 80% of the below-ground biomass,were generally restricted to the upper 10 cm of thesubstratum and over half the root biomass alsooccurred in this zone, with very few roots penetratingbelow 30 cm depth. High culm concentrations of N,P, Mg and Zn in spring declined markedly over thegrowth season, while S and Ca showed generalincreases, and K, Fe and Cu remained relativelystable. Gradients of decreasing tissue concentrationof most macronutrients were noted with increasingdistance from wastewater inflows. Plant accumulationof N rose by 20-35 g m-2 and P by 4-9 g m-2with seasonal re-growth of above-ground shoots. Netplant N and P uptake rates rose to maximum values of0.3 g N m-2 d-1 and 0.1 g P m-2d-1 in early summer, declining markedly duringlate summer and autumn. Mass balance assessments of Nand P accumulation in plants at near maximum seasonalbiomass, after three growth seasons, showed that only6 to 11% of the N removal and 6 to 13% of the Premoval recorded from wastewaters applied to thewetlands could be ascribed to plant uptake andaccumulation.

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