
The relative uptake rates of N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Al were estimated in beech seedlings pot cultured in the field in six acid soils (treatments). The relative uptake rates were compared with the relative growth rates. The relative uptake rates of N, K and Ca agreed well with the growth rates of the seedlings irrespective of widely differing soil conditions (acid sand-clayey till, pH 4–6). The relative uptake rates of P, Fe, and Al differed from that predicted by the growth rate. The uptake rates of Fe and Al were highest at the lowest growth rates, and the P uptake rate was lower than the growth rate in these treatments. Thus the P availability probably limited growth in an eluvial (E) horizon of a podzol, and possibly in the illuvial (B) horizon of a podzol and in an acid clayey till (Dystric Cambisol). Low P uptake was associated with a tendency towards higher relative root growth rates. In terms of the concept of steady state nutrition the high relative root growth rate in some treatments may be interpreted as an acclimation to low P supply. The P limitation seemed to be related to interactions among Fe, Al and organic compounds of the soil solution.

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