
The Caspian Kutum , Rutilus frisii , is one of the endemic and most important commercial cyprinid species in the southern Caspian Sea. A detailed study on growth and mortality parameters of this species was conducted based on 700 samples collected from commercial catches of beach seining in Guilan and Mazanderan provinces during fishing season 2017-2018. Females were dominated in both studied populations. Size frequency distributions showed significant variation among same sexes and between different sexes. The different WLRs were observed, positive allometric in Mazanderan, and negative allometric in Guilan. There were significant differences in growth parameters between sexes, females were of much greater asymptotic length than males, while the male fish had a higher growth rate and attained a smaller theoretical L ∞ size than females. The theoretical maximum length ( L ∞ ) was larger than the maximum one recorded during sampling. Based on the Bhattacharya method, the Caspian kutum from Guilan fishing grounds was more diverse, and included nine cohorts, while the population from Mazanderan Province showed only six cohorts. The linearized catch curve based on age composition data showed that total mortality rates ( Z ) are 1.32 year -1 and 0.63 year -1 for males and females of Guilan, respectively, that of males in Mazanderan is 1.04 year -1 and of females 0.86 year -1 . The natural mortality rates ( M ) were 0.48 year -1 for males and 0.26 year -1 females in Guilan, and was found to be as 0.26 year -1 and 0.45 year -1 for males and females of Caspian kutum caught in Mazanderan. The exploitation ratio ( E ) was found to be higher than 0.5 for both sexes from Guilan, and to be lower than the expected optimum level of exploitation in Caspian kutum males and females caught in Mazanderan.

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