
The morphological development, including the fins, body proportions and pigmentation, of laboratory-reared larval and juvenile Pangasianodon hypophthalmus was described and their behavioral features were observed under rearing conditions. Body lengths (BL) of larvae and juveniles were 3.0 ± 0.2 (mean ± SD) mm just after hatching, and 12.9 ± 1.1 mm on day 13, reaching 23.4 ± 1.8 mm on day 25 after hatching. Aggregate fin ray numbers (for caudal fin, principal soft ray number) attained their full complements in specimens larger than 12.8 mm BL. Notochord flexion began in yolksac larvae on day 0 (10.5 h after hatching), with teeth buds and barbels appearing with jaw formation in yolksac flexion larvae on day 1. Melanophores on the body increased with growth, with a broad vertical band forming on the lateral line and an oblique band extending from above the pectoral fin base towards the forepart of the anal fin during the postflexion larval and juvenile stages. Body proportions became relatively constant in juveniles, except for maxillary barbel length (MBL), which continued to decrease. Yolksac flexion larvae started feeding on day 2 with the onset of intense cannibalism. Yolks were completely absorbed by day 3, and cannibalism ended by day 6. Subsequently, fish displayed a schooling behavior with growth, preferring relatively dark areas during the juvenile stage.

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