
Manganese (Mn) deficiency may be induced by adding large quantities of iron (Fe), provided that soil manganese is marginally deficient. Results of a greenhouse study showed that iron soil application did not influence shoot dry matter yield of dry bean due to the fact that the iron:manganese ratio in aerial parts of dry bean was higher than 0.4. A foliar spray of 2% iron sulfate significantly reduced it probably due to the high level of shoot iron and iron:manganese ratio greater than 4. Iron application decreased concentration/uptake of shoot manganese due to the iron-manganese antagonistic relationships. Mangenese soil application is not an effective method in correction of manganese deficiency induced by iron fertilizers. Iron did not affect root manganese uptake, indicating that manganese absorption was not affected by iron application. Both manganese/iron soil tests are recommended in calcareous soils with manganese soil test in marginal range.

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