
Rooted cuttings of Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch cv. Gutbier V-14 Glory were planted in 2-liter containers with growth media having 0% to 75% composted cotton burrs (CCB) in combination with sphagnum peat and/or composted pine bark. Leachates from media with 50% or more CCB had higher initial electrical conductance (EC) (3.7 to 4.0 dS·m-l) than that from media with 25% or no CCB (2.8 to 3.0 dS·m-l) 2 weeks after planting. The differences in leachate EC declined after an additional 9 weeks. Media containing CCB produced slightly shorter and narrower plants with 10% smaller inflorescences and less dry weight than plants grown in a medium consisting of equal volumes of peatmoss and bark. Number of branches and bracts, days to bloom, and plant grade after 30 days under 15 μmol·s-l· m-2 photosynthetic photon flux were unaffected by media.

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