
A suitable application of the deep seawater for high quality eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) production was examined on vegetative growth and fruit yield with special reference to qualities of fruits. Mineral controlled deep sea water was prepared by electrodialyzing deep sea water with a selective membrane cartridge for the exchange of monovalent ions. Eggplant plants variety ‘Ryoma’ were grown in the NFT system with the applications of 2% mineral controlled deep sea water to the standard nutrient solution (mineral controlled deep sea water treatment-MDST) under greenhouse condition with four replications. With the treatment eggplant had larger vegetative growth rate than with the control. Furthermore, MDST showed that total fruit yield and marketable fruit yield was 14% and 23% higher than the control. In this study, a new methodology to produce high quality eggplants enriched in sugar, minerals, and dry matter was demonstrated by applying the natural resource.

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